although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils 意味

  • 両者はともに常習性があるが, ヘロインと比べればメタドンは明らかに 2 つの悪のうちのまだましなほうだ


        lesser of two evils:    二つの悪のうちでましなほう
        choice of lesser evils:    より小さい災いの選択{せんたく}
        when compared to:    ~と比べて
        when compared with:    when compared with に照らして にてらして
        when it is compared to:    ~と比較{ひかく}すると
        raw when compared with others:    《be ~》他人{たにん}[ほかの人]に比べて未熟{みじゅく}だ
        when compared internationally:    国際的{こくさいてき}に見て
        choice of two evils:    choice of two evils 痛し痒し いたしかゆし
        methadone:    {名} : メタドン◆ヘロイン中毒の治療薬 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】me'θэdo`un、【分節】meth?a?done
        addictive:     addictive adj. 習慣性のある. 【副詞】 This music is extremely addictive. この音楽は一度聞くととてもやめられなくなる highly addictive 高度に習慣性のある Heroin is highly addictive. ヘロインはきわめて習慣性が強い psychologically
        although:    although のに 尤も もっとも 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい
        heroin:     heroin n. ヘロイン. 【動詞+】 administer heroin ヘロインを投与する adulterate heroin ヘロインに混ぜものをして純度を落とす crave heroin ヘロインを欲しがる cut heroin ヘロインに混ぜものをする do heroin 《口語》 ヘロインをやる T
        into heroin:    《be ~》ヘロインをやっている
        when you combine these two:    これら二つを結び付けると
        as compared to:    ~と比べて、~と比べると、~と比べれば、~と比較すると、~と並べれば、~に照らして


  1. "although" 意味
  2. "although (being)" 意味
  3. "although 500 years have passed, his work retains its freshness. 500" 意味
  4. "although a bit tiring" 意味
  5. "although a physician by vocation, he was a botanist by avocation" 意味
  6. "although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us" 意味
  7. "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味
  8. "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味
  9. "although greatly outnumbered" 意味
  10. "although a bit tiring" 意味
  11. "although a physician by vocation, he was a botanist by avocation" 意味
  12. "although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us" 意味
  13. "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味

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